Happy Hour by the Do Something Together Team For Harris Campaign “Late Help”.
Do you wonder how you can help the Harris / Walz campaign in the final weeks before Election Day?
The Do Something Together Team sponsored a “Late Help” Happy Hour to explore just that – how you can help the Harris / Walz pre-election.
Guest of honor Ambassador Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley motivated the crowd with stories about how she was helping the campaign in Ohio, where she now lives. Her Harris campaign boss is in his early 20s, without the life and work experiences the Ambassador has -- as Ambassador, Consul General, National Security Council and Senator Foreign Relations Committee staff, foreign service officer, peace corps volunteer, Foreign Service Institute staff, and Senior State Department official. But, she follows her younger boss’ instructions, without regard to comparative lengths experience, in the interests of doing all that can be done to help the Harris / Walz campaign in the final stages of the campaign.
Guest of honor Ambassador Derek Mitch shared his campaign experiences from various cycles, and stressed the importance of what each volunteer does. Each of us can do what we can, with the time and other resources available to us.
Lucia Nunez, the Harris / Walz campaign Late Help Director, outlined a range of volunteer roles and tasks, including traveling to a swing state to volunteer in the field, or volunteering remotely using your phone and computer from your home or office.
Organizers included representatives of the Do Something Together Team -- Leah Nodvin, Rosarie Ro Tucci, Morgan Poyant, Molly Byrne, Richard Leach, and Ankur Shukla –- and organizer present talked about poll watching / poll observers, GOTV and voter protection.
Professor George Edwards spoke about Lawyers For Harris, and emphasized that you did not have to be a lawyer to volunteer with Lawyers for Harris. He mentioned that he, along with organizer Molly Byrne, focus on Voter Protection – helping to ensure that everyone entitled to vote is able to exercise their constitutional right to vote, and to have their vote counted.
He invited everyone to visit the Lawyers For Harris website – www.LawyersForHarris.com – and sign up for Voter Protection through this link: https://www.lawyersforharris.com/voterprotection
The lawyers’ site also contains links for attending fundraising events (here) and for donating directly to the campaign to help protect the right to vote (here).
Thanks to the Do Something Together Team, the Special Guests, and all the attendees. Also special thanks to the Astro Beer Hall (1306 G St NW
Washington, DC 20005), where the event was held.
Please do anything and everything you can to help the Harris / Walz Team win in November!