Electoral Rights / Election Law Advocacy — Early Vote, Election Day, Post-Election

If you wish to be considered for a Volunteer Counsel role in the campaign, please send an e-mail stating your interest:


1. Licensed lawyers are needed:

(a) During Early Vote, on Election Day, and Post Election

(b) To handle / assist on electoral rights, voter protection, and access issues

(b) To also handle, as needed, issues possibly regarding recounts, certifications, and other possible challenges.

2. Lawyers might, for example, be deployed to swing states to appear before courts or commissions.

3. Non-practicing lawyers, law professors, law students, and others are also needed to research legal issues, draft motions and pleadings, review submissions, and handle other matters short of appearing in court.

4. If you want to register to considered as a Volunteer Campaign Counsel, please send an e-mail to info@LawyersForHarris.com and state your interest.

Other Opportunities:

  1. Pennsylvania ACLU Wants to have an Election Protection Attorney in Every County on Election Day (link https://wetheaction.org/projects/2464)

“The ACLU-PA is participating in Election Protection – led by the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law – the nation’s largest non-partisan voter protection coalition. We learn of problems experienced by voters through the 1-866-OUR-VOTE hotline and a comprehensive poll monitor field deployment.”

Immediate Problem

Every eligible Pennsylvanian deserves to cast their ballot and have it counted. Sometimes attorneys need to appear in order to ensure voting access.

Work & Deliverables

The ACLU-PA identifies lawyers in every Pennsylvania county who practice in their court of common pleas and will be available on Election Day, November 5, 2024, to contact their county elections officials and, if necessary, go to court to protect people’s right to vote.

We request that volunteer lawyers be available the entire day, from the time the polls open at 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. or later. We ask that you set up lines of communication with your county elections officials and/or county solicitor before November 5 so that you will be able to contact them quickly (preferably by cell phone) on Election Day. We will contact you if we need your help to resolve any problems reported in your county. We will provide you with materials concerning Pennsylvania election law and sample pleadings.

You do not need to be an expert on election law to participate, but you do need to be familiar with your court of common pleas.

The hope is for a successful election in which eligible voters are allowed to cast their votes in a timely way--and that we would not need you to appear in court. BUT we will prepare as if you will need to appear.”

2. More information about other specific legal advocacy opportunities will be posted later!

In the meantime, if you are involved in any of the pending cases and need assistance, will you please let us know at Info@LawyersForHarris.com (or LawyersForHarris@yahoo.com)?

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