Pennsylvania opportunities for Voter Protection Assistance, in-person and remote. (not just for PA voters)

1.       Poll Observers (in-person)

a.  Assist voters on election day, and help ensure each eligible voter can cast their vote

b.  Serve as campaign’s eyes and ears on the ground at polling places across the state on election day.

c.  The Campaign trains voluntteers, and assigns you to a polling place for the full Election Day, or part of the Election Day.

d.  You need not be a PA voter. 

e.   Sign up for a training here:

f.  Contact --

2.       Early Vote Monitor (in-person)

a.   Help ensure that voters voting early in person are able to properly vote.

b.   Sign up for a training here:

c.  Contact --

3.       Canvass Observer (in-person)

a.  Monitoring the ballot counting process (often called “canvassing ballots”).

b.  Sign up for a training here:

c.  Contact --

4.       Volunteer Recruitment Phone Banks (remote)

a.  Work for the PA virtual phone bank.

b.   Phone banks are every Monday and Wednesday at 6 PM.

c.  They make calls to recruit volunteers to protect the vote.

d.  Sign up here:

e.  Contact --


Lawyers For Justice – Volunteer for Voter Protection


Women Lawyers For Kamala Harris 2024